4 days without internet cos I was traveling! :P
:) I'll try to get on as much as possible XP
I won't be AS active as I was!
Btw, I'm melting! it's so hot and the rain (when it rains) is soooo heavy!
Neither dead nor alive, I suppose one can say I am "Undead"
Age 29, Male
University Cork College
Depths of Darkness
Joined on 6/12/09
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - May 11th, 2011
4 days without internet cos I was traveling! :P
:) I'll try to get on as much as possible XP
I won't be AS active as I was!
Btw, I'm melting! it's so hot and the rain (when it rains) is soooo heavy!
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - May 6th, 2011
Anybody else agree this shall be sexy?
It'll be a TINY File size :3 due to Externally importing sounds to the SWF.
(Art by Acid-Paradox+ CaOmDaYn)
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - April 28th, 2011
I thought I'd make this Newspost for abit of fun and to show what I've done on NG in almost 2 years.
Medal Points: 11,005
Number of Collabs: 54
Number of Solos: 36
Number of Flashes: 90
Collabs organised: 2
Number of Art Uploads: 14
Current Level: 17
Current Rank: Police Lieutenant
Current Rank Number: 3,070
Number of Blams: 52
Number of Saves: 1817
Combined Saves and Blams: 1869
Current Whistle: Normal
Number of Experience Points: 3160
Current Experience Rank: 9721
Current Voting Power: 5.93+ Protection of 14% = 6.76
Number of BBS Posts: 718
Current Average BBS Posts Per Day : 1.05
Number of Flash Reviews: 221
Number of Audio Reviews: 10
Users who added me to their Favs: 46
Number of Trophies: 1 (Daily 4th Place)
Revenue off Newgrounds: $30
Block List: 1
Favorite Flashes: 53
Favorite Games: 43
Favorite Art: 40
Favorite Flash Authors: 23
Favorite Audio: 30
Favorite Audio Authors: 6
Favorite Artists: 6
Auras 2009-2011: Neutral-Light-Evil-Dark-Light-Dark
Average PMs Daily: 5
Newsposts (Excluding this one): 55
Least Popular Newspost: 0 comments, Entry Number 2
Most Popular Newspost: 27 comments, Entry Number 43
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - April 21st, 2011
Well! It's almost finished, I hope I'll have it by Easter!
XD click the link below for a demo of it, (No Gameover yet and it's buggy)
Hope you enjoy (Please leave critism I don't mind)
:L Just don't leave immature comments like "You suck! goto hell"
I really couldn't give a shit what you think if you can't even leave me a proper insult.
UPDATE Here's the link I promised you
UPDATE: It was meant to be out on Easter but the piece of shit known as "Macromedia Flash 8 prof" was acting like a douche!
Now i've reduced it from 30MB to 8.89MB, pray to god it won't go over 15MB
WELL THIS SUCKS back over 25mb, Looks like I'll have to draw instead of images or just make a part 1 and 2
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - April 17th, 2011
I've made $13+ and still counting in less than a week on Newgrounds ;D
Bout time >:)
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - April 13th, 2011
Thought it was a time for a new Newspost.
How are you Newgrounds?
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - March 20th, 2011
I've got sooo! many projects on my hands right now bout 100!
1: Smiley Collab- Credits design-FINISHED
2: 1 Minute Collab- Animation- FINISHED
3: Underrated Audio collab! (when I get the code I'll be flying)
4: 2ND Depression (1/4 character stories complete) 23% of the game
5: Button Game Bronze Edition (BG10) Need to make
6: Button Game Tales 2 (for August)
7: Voice Acting for Fortunacus- FINISHED
8: Mouse Maze: No Mouse? 3- FINISHED
9: Pixel Game with Chdonga- waiting for art.
:L I'll be dead by August!
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - March 2nd, 2011
Well! I'm a lazy little shit! I started this project back in Earlier November in 2010!
And well! I haven't done much on it! I better get down to business and Get this Finished QUICK!
Here's some Links based on The series
3: Rebirth (2nd Depression) demo
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - February 25th, 2011
If you got any Questions and if you're working on this collab, leave them in this Newspost
Me: (Animation and other stuff)
1: CaOmDaYn (Art)
2: XrachelBagelX (Art)
3: Acid-Paradox (Audio)
4: Back from Purgatory (Audio)
5: djInTheDark (Audio)
6: SeeNoSanity (Audio)
7: Supersteph54 (Audio)
8: Symbol Cymbal (Audio)
9: FatKidwithaJetpack (Audio) and maybe art
1: Legodude2000
2: Mikeys9607
3: Spacewhale
4: Ericfreeman
5: Stratkat
6: RetromanOMG
7: DJ Kaz
8: Sculpted-Cold
9: joethesouleater
10: Rockon12
Here's the People whos Audio will be Feat.
1: Download Audio (finished)
2: Add Portal Buddies (Finished)
3: Get preloader art (Waiting for Fatkidwithajetpack)
4: Get Background Art and Credit Art (Finished)
5: Get Preloader (Finished)
6: Program the godass Collab (waiting for Art...)
7: Code from "FatkidwithaJetPack (Waiting on it)
Posted by BanglaBoy96 - February 23rd, 2011
Lol! I made 84c today! thanks Trolls!
Once again teh loser who 0 bombed my flashes again not knowing they're making me rich!
Once again thanks! but seriously, get a life...