Well! It's almost finished, I hope I'll have it by Easter!
XD click the link below for a demo of it, (No Gameover yet and it's buggy)
Hope you enjoy (Please leave critism I don't mind)
:L Just don't leave immature comments like "You suck! goto hell"
I really couldn't give a shit what you think if you can't even leave me a proper insult.
UPDATE Here's the link I promised you
UPDATE: It was meant to be out on Easter but the piece of shit known as "Macromedia Flash 8 prof" was acting like a douche!
Now i've reduced it from 30MB to 8.89MB, pray to god it won't go over 15MB
WELL THIS SUCKS back over 25mb, Looks like I'll have to draw instead of images or just make a part 1 and 2
Just thought I'd let ya know
1-5 HoHoBo
6-10 Traller and Tween
11-15 Saza's Minion
16-20 Genu and Muzzy
21-25 Krunk and his minions
26-30 Fire Chief
31-35 G-Man
36-40 Sidious
41-45 Saza
46-50 Mix