Neither dead nor alive, I suppose one can say I am "Undead"

Shakil Rahman @BanglaBoy96

Age 29, Male


University Cork College

Depths of Darkness

Joined on 6/12/09

Exp Points:
5,530 / 5,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.46 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

BanglaBoy96's News

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - November 21st, 2014

Too sick to comment on it but here it is...



Posted by BanglaBoy96 - November 10th, 2014

2888224_141566756861_BGTScreenshot.jpgButton Game:Trilogy has just been tested and all the medals work and all 3 games are beatable, yes some missions require more excessive clicking and/or attempts than others.

"The Button Game: Trilogy". So what exactly IS the Button Game: Trilogy you might ask? Well back in 2009 when I first started making flash I was more interested in the gaming side rather than the animation. Reason being I suck at drawing and suck at animation. Despite it being fairly evident in my previous games I have received praise and overall a positive feedback from members of the community who were said to have found some sort of "charm" in my works.

Q: What is the Button Game: Trilogy?

The Button Game: Trilogy will contain the first 3 button games in the series all in one game. 
Button Game 1: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/518851
Button Game 2: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/518864

Button Game 3: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/518940 

Q: What is the difference between these games and the original versions?

Button Game 1: 

10 missions
New Character Designs
New Soundtrack 

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/114374 -Main Theme (BG1)

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/99143 - SAZA's Minion Theme

Character background on SAZA
New Graphics and Art Style
Boss fight against S.A.Z.A's Minion

Button Game 2:

15 Missions
New Character Design
New Soundtrack

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/462808 -Main Theme (BG2)

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/111824- Ho-Ho-Bo's Boss Theme
Character background on Ho-Ho-Bo
2 New Boss fights
New expanded Missions to replace old, repetitive and pointless ones.

Button Game 3:

25 Missions
New Character Designs
New Soundtrack

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/74072- Main Theme (BG3)
New Ending
New Boss fights
New Expanded missions to replace old, repetitive and pointless ones


Q: Medals?

26 Medals worth a total of 500 points

  • Button Game 1: 6 medals
  • Button Game 2: 4 medals
  • Button Game 3: 7 medals
  • General Medals: 4 medals
  • Secret Medals: 5 medals


Q: Any other additional Features?

HD Resolution
New Soundtrack
New Artwork
New Missions
Freedom to play in any order
Links to original games
Special Feature unlocked upon completion of the 3 games.

UPDATES 10th November 2014

Button Game 1-3 Completed
Soundtrack Chosen
Sound Effects added
Gameovers and Cheating Punishment
Medals set up in API
Production of Special Features


Expect another BanglaBoy96 classic coming soon to Newgrounds this Christmas! Hang up your stockings for the biggest sack of coal yet!!!

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - October 26th, 2014

It has been almost 3 years since I, BanglaBoy96 have made an animation, game etc. etc. so my Actionscript and my poor knowledge of Flash has possibly even gotten worse (I know you're thinking "oh god why?") but over the last few weeks myself and Mia (http://mia.newgrounds.com) have been working on a new game.

"The Button Game: Trilogy". So what exactly IS the Button Game: Trilogy you might ask? Well back in 2009 when I first started making flash I was more interested in the gaming side rather than the animation. Reason being I suck at drawing and suck at animation. Despite it being fairly evident in my previous games I have received praise and overall a positive feedback from members of the community who were said to have found some sort of "charm" in my works.

Q: What is the Button Game: Trilogy?

The Button Game: Trilogy will contain the first 3 button games in the series all in one game. 
Button Game 1: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/518851
Button Game 2: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/518864 

Button Game 3: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/518940 

Q: What is the difference between these games and the original versions?

Button Game 1: 

  • 10 missions
  • New Character Design
  • New Soundtrack
  • Background on S.A.Z.A (Minor)
  • New Graphics and Art Style
  • Boss fight against S.A.Z.A's Minion

Button Game 2:

  • 15 Missions
  • New Character Design
  • New Soundtrack
  • Background on Ho-Ho-Bo
  • 2 New Boss fights
  • New expanded Missions to replace old, repetitive and pointless ones

Button Game 3:

  • 25 Missions
  • New Character Designs
  • New Soundtrack
  • New Ending
  • New Boss fights
  • New Expanded missions to replace old, repetitive and pointless ones


Q: Medals?

26 Medals worth a total of 500 points

Q: Any other additional Features?

  • HD Resolution
  • New Soundtrack
  • New Artwork
  • New Missions
  • Freedom to play in any order
  • Links to original games
  • Special Feature unlocked upon completion of the 3 games.

UPDATES 10th November 2014

  1. Button Game 1-3 Completed
  2. Soundtrack Chosen
  3. Sound Effects added
  4. Gameovers and Cheating Punishment
  5. Medals set up in API
  6. Production of Special Features


Expect another BanglaBoy96 classic coming soon to Newgrounds this Christmas! Hang up your stockings for the biggest sack of coal yet!!!

Button Game Loading Screen



Posted by BanglaBoy96 - December 23rd, 2012

I'm back and ready to make flash again! :D Now run in terror! durrrr hurrrr hurrrr!!! For the King of crappy animation and games has been revived... Muwhahahahahha

I'm back I think ^_^

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - November 30th, 2012

I think...

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - February 11th, 2012

So due to the redesign my projects can now have approved medals, so I am going through each game (2009-2011) and editing the medals so they actually give you guys points
If you have't played the game before or achieved the medals!!!

No! I have not given up flash but I'll be starting in full swing in July :)
Later I'll make an update of which of my games now have approved medals.

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - November 28th, 2011

Hmm... this year is much different from last year, I wake up Mon-Fri at 6am in the morning, only to finally get home at 5:30pm with enough study and homework to last me till 8pm (which it is now here)
So... I guess it explains my lack of activity in Flashes, Forums, Depositing experience and voice acting.
I simply was either too lazy or just too busy.
I got a PM from Decky asking did I want to collab so I am up for it alright :)
I'm still waiting for art off YouriX (you lazy bastard lol)
so Rebirth is still on hold D:

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - September 16th, 2011

Ok just because 80% of NG Members are from the USA where they spell "cheque" like "check"
I'll keep it simple and spell it the US version ok?

So yeah, I got it after TomFulp mailed me saying he forgot to send it out, No worries anyway, everyone makes small mistakes.
So the check amount was $83.35 Which came to around 60 euro :D
I am $30/50 into my new check which is pretty epic.
Special thanks to Fortunacus who is a good friend of mine and helped me out all the way :) We are currently working on a new project which I am writing and also voice acting for ;)

In other news...

Rebirth is coming along slow but steady :) Got more art off YouriX who I have to say is taking his time but doing great work! :D Shout out to you too!

Also ToastedToastyToast is doing some great work programming wise and is also making a kick ass preloader art.

Oh! almost forgot! Myself, Pjorg and Manly-Chicken had a truce to our silly little internet war. I never actually hated either of them but only lost respect for them for their ignorance, It's all ok now so I'm happy, they're happy (I hope) so at the end of the day... WE'RE ALL HAPPY

A few months ago I tried to make up with Magical-Zorse but he wasn't interested at all. oh well! He isn't worth my time anyway, He constantly insults people in the forums, Has a negative attitude towards everything unless based on the praise of him and obviously has no cop on at all. I also tried this with ChrisLoveJoy (now known as "tumbumm") but he wouldn't accept the offering oh well!
:) Everything is going smooth at the moment so keep on living your lives, Thanks to everyone I guess and I am willing to make it up with ANYONE who I have fought with in the past.
-BanglaBoy96 (Shakil Rahman)

EDIT: TummBumm or ChrisLoveJoy changed his name back to his original, it took him long enough to realise he had one of the WORST username changes ever seen on this planet

Got my NG Check/Cheque

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - August 17th, 2011

So, I started making this project back in late 2010 and planned to have it out in 2weeks or so!
Some may know it as Rebirth others know it as 2nd Depression

You can find the NEW intro demo below...
---> Rebirth Intro demo <----

So I guess I can tell you something about the crew right?

Job/Work: Writing the scripts, Layout design, Original character design, Voice acting and Collab organiser.

Job/Work: Additional code, programmer

Job/Work: Animation and Art.

Job/Work: Voice actor
Character(s): Father Jeremiah Best (Fr.Bent) and Pipe (Marko)

Job/Work: Voice Actress
Character(s): Jessica Smith

Job/Work: Voice actress
Character(s): Wendy Clayton and the Receptionist

Job/Work: Voice actor TO BE CONFIRMED
Character(s): Pickilow the Plop (Maybe Bob Triton)
New voice actor ;)
Job/Work: Making the final boss music for the game
TheRealSam has the audio complete, waiting for A VOCALIST ANYONE?

That's it for now but there might be changes to this list.
(I hope not unless they're good ones)

Cheers! Until next update

Below art by- YouriX

Update 19/8/11: I was just informed by ToastedToastyToast that he has almost complete the engine for Pipe's story, although no sneakpeaks shall be showed from this, I thought It would be good to share the update

Making  some progress at last

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - August 15th, 2011

Well! my favorite NG Holiday of the year is here again! (1yr went by so fast...)
Anyway! by the look of things so far it's a great one!
Remember to party hard and Vote 5!

Also... My Clock "LegoClock" Is featured in The ClockDay preloader! (Far right)

Happy Clockday 2011!