Neither dead nor alive, I suppose one can say I am "Undead"

Shakil Rahman @BanglaBoy96

Age 29, Male


University Cork College

Depths of Darkness

Joined on 6/12/09

Exp Points:
5,530 / 5,880
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6.46 votes
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Got my NG Check/Cheque

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - September 16th, 2011

Ok just because 80% of NG Members are from the USA where they spell "cheque" like "check"
I'll keep it simple and spell it the US version ok?

So yeah, I got it after TomFulp mailed me saying he forgot to send it out, No worries anyway, everyone makes small mistakes.
So the check amount was $83.35 Which came to around 60 euro :D
I am $30/50 into my new check which is pretty epic.
Special thanks to Fortunacus who is a good friend of mine and helped me out all the way :) We are currently working on a new project which I am writing and also voice acting for ;)

In other news...

Rebirth is coming along slow but steady :) Got more art off YouriX who I have to say is taking his time but doing great work! :D Shout out to you too!

Also ToastedToastyToast is doing some great work programming wise and is also making a kick ass preloader art.

Oh! almost forgot! Myself, Pjorg and Manly-Chicken had a truce to our silly little internet war. I never actually hated either of them but only lost respect for them for their ignorance, It's all ok now so I'm happy, they're happy (I hope) so at the end of the day... WE'RE ALL HAPPY

A few months ago I tried to make up with Magical-Zorse but he wasn't interested at all. oh well! He isn't worth my time anyway, He constantly insults people in the forums, Has a negative attitude towards everything unless based on the praise of him and obviously has no cop on at all. I also tried this with ChrisLoveJoy (now known as "tumbumm") but he wouldn't accept the offering oh well!
:) Everything is going smooth at the moment so keep on living your lives, Thanks to everyone I guess and I am willing to make it up with ANYONE who I have fought with in the past.
-BanglaBoy96 (Shakil Rahman)

EDIT: TummBumm or ChrisLoveJoy changed his name back to his original, it took him long enough to realise he had one of the WORST username changes ever seen on this planet

Got my NG Check/Cheque


Congratz :P I hope you spend it wisely! Have a good day Hunn :P

Oh hey Kaila! Long time eh? Did I respond back to your PM you sent me? or did I ignore you by accident? If I ignored so sorry >.< my bad!

Np :P I was just checking up on ppl's post's & wanted to say hey...so uhh Hey :D lol
Have a good one Hunn! :P Maybe ill ttyl on a post or pm.

Ok :) thanks! ;) ttyl


Thanks man :)


Lol thanks :)

man you're lucky so 'bout 60 Euros huh? man what're you gonna spent it on and Rebirth is coming slowly and steady? slowly and steady is better than rushed:)

Exactly! Well I wanna buy a Mic, I have to say not to boast, my current mic doesn't do my VA skills


Hello there sunshine :3

your so lucky, if only I'm epic as you. You don't mind looking at the art I made real quick, and possibly giving me some criticism. I wanna be contributing to Newgrounds it would mean a lot to me.

Sure thing. PMed you and welcome to the community


:3 lol

Just wanted to say thanks for being so damn patient with me. Anyways i got a new school shedule so i now i have more time in my hands. You should recieve new work soon ;)

Hey man! No worries :) Doing a great job anyway! :o I'll assign more work when I am free, too much stuff on Mondays-Weds.

Lucky rich guy :D

=3 thank you but I am not rich yet ;)

Yes you are. :3

Not yet god dammit! >.<

why are you so mean? :(

I'm not mean :(

@superdupersonic why are you such a fag?


<a href="http://haste000.newgrounds.com/">http://haste000.newgrounds.com/</a>
LoL. You told that faggot off.

:LL Hahahaha! wanna see something hillarious?

view/576468 see my review response!



i smell sand niqqa wash out the curry from yo snatch.

English please

Hey, are you blocked me from facebook?

Post on my wall again... for the 1000th time... AND... I... will...
mur...deer... yo...uuu...

Are you friendly?

Hard to answer, those who show respect I have great courtesy towards.
Those who show no respect receive none in kind...
Why do you ask bud? :)

hey boss.

Sup? ;)

awwww shiii
you gets it down just like young money!

;) xD

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