Neither dead nor alive, I suppose one can say I am "Undead"

Shakil Rahman @BanglaBoy96

Age 29, Male


University Cork College

Depths of Darkness

Joined on 6/12/09

Exp Points:
5,530 / 5,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.46 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

BanglaBoy96's News

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - August 4th, 2011

I just got some pointless news that nobody should care about but hey! comment at will.

PM News: I had 1476 Pms in my Inbox and I think it's time for a clean up ;) It's almost full so I'm going to delete some which don't mean 2 shits to me really.
I'm going to try reduce it down to about 800pm min.

Well! after 3hrs of looking through over 1000 pms I am still left with 486! =l It took awhile but it was worth it I guess, I also marked some Pms which were important.

Collab News: Listening to all those audio tracks is a pain in the ass! D: Thinking about programming over 200 tracks into a collab will be a wreck head too! :)
-Underrated Audio Collab 2

Rebirth (2nd Depression) Got a kickass team and we're all doing our part to make it great :D It's gonna be pretty epic! ;) watch out Overrated Artists we're bringing home ALL the awards ;)

Voice acting news: Too much to write! D: Let's just say I'm busy! :3

Soup news: I joined the SoupSquad under the name of "DeitySoup" my epic motto is "Peace has never tasted better" ;)

Just another newspost

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - July 25th, 2011

I'm currently working with Faic and PixelCake on a series called "CodedLillyComics"along with a solo for Faic too.
I'll have the lines for him once I get his next PM response :D

Here is a list of users who I used to talk to but have magically disappeared off the face newgrounds

Ever95 was a user who confronted me to tell Mikeys9607 to stop making games and said I was better than him, I got along with him for ages until I found out it was an alt of DanielD4296 so I stopped

GibaBlasterBlam27 was a user who claimed to be my biggest fan and pretty much proved it along the way. He was unactive for 4 months and I was lonely D: (He is back on a new account now though)

ShadowLugia A user I met when I used to send PMs to all new users on NG, She's an audio artist who I used to talk to every week. I wonder what ever happened to her...

SuperChaz1285 is a guy who is from Ireland who makes flash, I thought we had some things in common so used to talk with him. Disappeared too

Lilship is a damright funny user who made hillarious flashes for ClockDay2010, she disappeared 2 days later off the face of the earth...

Gerbil sent me some fan mail to keep up the good work and we started talking, disappeared too but he is still active

FairSquare is still active but I haven't spoken with him in awhile, sent me more fan mail saying how he watched all my flashes 2x

Jessica and I were making a collab together but she disappeared over a year ago now D:

Sportsgirl is 1/2 Bangladeshi 1/2 london (almost like me ^^ cept 1/2 irish!) We used to talk alot but as most girls do got bored of the site and poofed away, I rarely here from her

Whytrose14 she commented on alot of my games giving them 10s so I decided to PM with a thanks, we started talking etc. and then she kinda stopped as she is never on.

Rhem180 another girl (What can I say? I am a ladies man) who sent me a PM saying they liked my games, we talked about all random topics like SNOW vs NO SNOW ;)

Rachel and myself were having a music fight I guess you could say until we came to an agreement that Bon Jovi was better than the ones we were on bout ahaha!

Apit2010 I haven't spoken to this kid in awhile he is still active but eh!

Decky I last spoke to him maybe one or two days after the art collab, he doesn't have a new computer atm so I'll be sure to contact him if I am to make another Art Collab

Lilselena was someone who wanted to help for the art collab too, I guess we became more friends than portal buddies :3 she disappeared a couple of months ago and her account gathers dust...

BiosFreak is a kid who loves the button games and asked me to send him some MCs, Buttons, Graphics and soundclips from them for a tribute, after sending them he disappeared... I wonder what he really needed them for...

Below is some character sketches YouriX drew for me, they're a different style yeah but I think it looks pretty cool :)

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - July 13th, 2011

I decided to make this "TO DO" List to break some news about and stuff ok? Some may be happy other sad, I however do not give a shit seeing how I do not know you at all ok?

1: Finish "Rebirth" and get an award on it

2: Organise and release the "Underrated Audio Collab 2"

3: Release Button Game Bronze Edition
(I do apologise for this flash as there might not be a sequel even though it says "to be continued")

4: Finish off all my voice acting I will need to do

5: Get a Iphone or any phone with alot of memory

6: Stop flash for a good while (maybe jst throw in the towel)

(These are in no paticular order k?)

I just feel I need to concentrate on getting a good job instead of making some cash.

I might think about coming back but not for ages, he! maybe never, You achieve nothing from making these small projects and all, I was improving day by day and I still have many years to, but for now I don't want to do anything

(I'm finishing off what I started 1s though)

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - July 4th, 2011

Yes! that is right people! We finally got an artist for "Rebirth" aka 2nd Depression

He's a member off "DeviantArt" and his name is CartoonistJack

The Picture below of Pickilow is drawn by him, so Fuck you ThunderSpam, not only does he have the same design but he looks far more kickass than the shit you drew me.

UPDATE: Here is a sketch of Father Bent! (If you wish to see the sketch of Pickilow please PM me)

UPDATE 2: Goodbye Father Bent hello Hooded Villian! If you know who he is please DO NOT comment on this newspost with his/her name k?

UPDATE 3: Here is our newest sketch for a minor character who only appears for a very short time. And once again, If you wish to see the other sketches PM me and I'll mail them ASAP

UPDATE 4: Here's a picture of Pickilow again! Just until I receive more sketches ya know?

UPDATE 5: Just inserted the 1st piece of art to the game! Pickilow's new living room

UPDATE 6: Here's the redesign of Pipe! seeing how there wasn't an official design like Pickilow or Wendy etc. I had no problem whatsoever with this

NOTICE: Ok! here are the people actually contributing to the project

Work:Collab organiser,Writer,Character design,Director,Settings,Voice Acting


Work:Artist,Character redesign,Animation and Background design

Work:Voice Actress (Wendy)

Work:Voice Actor (Pipe and Father Jeremiah Best/Jerry Bent)

Work:Voice Actress (Jessica)

sshafty1 (Sam Haft)
Work:Voice actor: (Pickilow and Bob)

Work:Audio Artist (you are a true legend)

Heads up! still looking for a vocalist (preferably female) so if you know anyone or are interested yourself drop a PM or comment

Rebirth Artist Confirmed

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - June 22nd, 2011

Ok here are the people helping to make this game a huge project!

1: BanglaBoy96
Work: Writer, Director, Character design, Script writer, Voice actor, Layout design and Collab Organiser

2: LefyBoy
Work: Programmer and additional code

Work: Animator/Artist

4: Rina-Chan
Work: Voice Actor (Jessica)

5: King-Schmuck-MMXVI
Work: Voice actor (Pipe and Father Bent)

6: Sshafty1 (Sam Haft)
Work: Voice actor (Pickilow and Bob)

7: SelfPride
Work: Voice Actor (Wendy)

8: Secret person
Work: Additional Code

9: Crazyrock
Work: Actor (Might be added if space)

10: SuperSteph54
Work: Audio Artist

Tell me what you think? Have we a solid project?

UPDATE: ThunderSpam is the official Artist/Animator for 2Rebirth
Here is a sketch of Pickilow which he drew, Now I know some features are off but he'll fix them up, this was just a rough drawing he made

UPDATE 2: ThunderSpam wanted to redesign Pickilow which I could not bring myself this so I said no. I told him he could design some characters like Jessica, Pipe, Drawstick and Bob. I was looking for an artist, not someone to rewrite the script and change my characters

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - June 21st, 2011

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - June 16th, 2011

Seeing how some retarded dope named "Kevin Farrel" in my school tried to hack my Email
I got locked out of it forever because the hotmail team could not identify me as the owner.

So if you need to contact me please use the following new email


That is also my Messenger name so feel free to add me.

I always respond back to mails as long as they are not spam.

Just thought I'd let some of you know this information

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - June 10th, 2011

So lots of you agree that my games "suck" When I simply notice that the Art is always letting me down.
The programming isn't a major problem seeing how alot of people like how my games are structured and written.

Now I am making my biggest game yet and I do not want to have it let down by my art skills.

So if you're an artist and interested in this project continue reading...
If not leave your insult below no doubt there will be.

Looking for a: Anime/cartoon styled who is willing to work hard and always update me on MSN/Email or PM


Name: 2nd Depression
Writer and design manager: BanglaBoy96
Voice Actors...

Pickilow the Plop: Sam Haft.
Info on character... The hero of this story who's anger problems and undying hatred for Father Bent keeps him on his toes 24/7 (Playable Character)

Wendy Clayton: Jen Rathburn
Info: A 17yr old Camera girl for a T.V channel who is never ready to admit defeat even if she knows she's wrong ( Non Playable character)

Bob Triton: None yet
Info: Pickilow's best friend gone bad, after the events of the 1st game he will even work with his enemy to bring Pickilow to his knees (Enemy Character)

Marko (Pipe): King-Schmuck-MMXVI
Info: A Metalhead hitman armed with a Guitar Sword and a Lukewarm attitude. Working for Fr.Bent at 1st but learning of his evil ways, joins Pickilow on his journey (Playable Character)

Master Drawstick: Default noise (me)
Info: A master of weapons and guardian of the "Temple of Light" he fights for peace and is always looking out for his star pupil (Playable character)

Jessica Smith: Rina-Chan
Info: I cocky, pretty girl who may come across as harmless but can even bring a Navy Seal to their knees

Father Bent (Jerry Bent): King-Schmuck-MMXVI
Info: This former priest is "bent" on revenge after revealing his true form in the previous game. He will stop at nothing to defeat and enslave the world


Programs: Flash 5-CS3 (CS4 Max.)
PhotoShop for some effects (optional)

I don't want images of the art, I would prefer if you drew the background, and coverted it to a symbol and put it in the library.

Below is a sketch of Pickilow. Which Vh2611 drew for me, he is unable to do the art as he is coming up to his final exams

Drop me a PM is you're interested, thanks

Still looking for an Artist

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - June 5th, 2011

Got a good team,

Fortunacus: Programmer

PinkSkull: Artist

Me: Voice Actor

we're gonna win! :3

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - May 19th, 2011

I've always enjoyed putting on voices and taking the ass out of Stereotypical voices so I decided to
begin a career in Voice Acting.

Here are some of the Flashes which have Featured my voices.

1: Duairt Eittle Episode 5 (The crappy Duairt Voice where he learns English)

2: Pickilow the Plop 10 (On the preloader)


3: Flowerman {old} (My 1st flash with me speaking sentences)

4: Pickilow's Revenge (Where I found my true love for Voice Acting)

5: Button Game Tales (The voices are in chapter 3)

6: Fern Splapp Eliminator (My regular voice so not reall voice "acting")

7: Button Game X-Mas Special (The annoying loop in the Help Menu)

8: Clock saw Ghost (1st flash I was officially hired for)

9: Pickilow 14-16 (The director's voice)

10: This Flash is my most sucessful
Bieber Metamorph (All voices by me)

11:DE 19 (Stereotypical Black women voice :D)

You can Play/Watch these to hear how I improved and tell me which you enjoyed the most

Or... you can Check out my 2 Voice act reels which have gotten positive feedback

Voice act Reel- BanglaBoy96

check out my extended DA Version below
BanglaBoy96 Voice Act reel Extended

Now I only want proper critism, BOTH WAYS

I don't just wanna hear "It's good, I like it" or "You suck!"

Proper feedback please and try to act your age :D Thanks guys