It seemed Freaky
But The answer's always 6, I learned that trick in 6th class, got me for a Minute Though, so I'll give you teh number it is 6/10
It seemed Freaky
But The answer's always 6, I learned that trick in 6th class, got me for a Minute Though, so I'll give you teh number it is 6/10
Score: 6462
Meh, I Was aiming for Over 9000 but Not going to play it again,
Nice anyway but the drawing sucked
Looks epic, I'm gonna wait for the full thing
Its gonna be in about a month
It's average, but something about it makes me want to play it over and over,
Dunno why!
I don't really know why you feel that way, this game fucking sucks
It wasn't really on the lines of "Fun"
and It was really boring and unoriginal.
sorry man, also the 0 pointers mixed with real medals looks stupid.
Nice one anyway
Loved the selection of difficulties, even though they were all hard!
Try make Different Lvs and If you want medals added I could do it for you
Santa's really skinny and pink XD
My stats
Score: 4651
Final combo: 9
Max Combo: 95
Presents: 118/145
Coal missed: 67/72
Neither dead nor alive, I suppose one can say I am "Undead"
Age 29, Male
University Cork College
Depths of Darkness
Joined on 6/12/09