Button Game 1
1: Top left saza
2: 2nd Duairt (Hidden abit)
3:Last Prv Crappy (Green hat)
4:Lotto No. 09 11 23 32 07 07
5: Red Square up in the corner
6:Click his hair
7: 1=2 2= green robo 3=6
8: 2c
9: Near the Top Left (Kinda)
10: Near the Bottom
Button game 2
1: Click the lollipops
2:Click on Stuart
3: Big Red Square
4: Click his wart!!!
5: 1: Near the top left, bottom middle, top right, bottom left
6: Click his but!!!
7: Click on the children
8: Click on Donkey Kong
9: Click the Children
10: 1=House of pain 2= the ???'s on the top, 3=saza 4=Banglaboy96 5=Roll over Q5
11: Top of white part
12: Yes in the Q number
13: Near Q no.
14: Roll over the Question (Not the Q Number)
15: Near the top Left!!
1:Take him out within 10secs (Must be Skilled)
2: Click on Mr. Tayto man
3: Click on his Stache
4: Kill the Zombies (Must be Skilled)
5: Click on the Money
6: Clean up the waste
7: Click on the Pencil
8: Top-right corner (Lil Brown thing)
9: Click anywere (This takes NO SKILL)
10: Stalin
11: Start with Bottom left then bottom right, the Top left then top right
12: Under the Letters "DE"
13: Small inner circle on top right corner
14: Top Left BDD
15: Just click on him
16: Click on the Beer (Click the sign to begin)
17: Click 3 children
18: Click 2 Children
19: Click him 2x Times
20: Botton Right
21: Top Left
22: Near the middle
23:??? Forget!! Sorry!!!
24:Bottom Right
25: Inside Q25 Number
Button Game 4
1: Click Saza (Then press the button which says "I have an Idea")
2: Click on V of doom till he pops the bubblegum
3:Click the cheese cake
4: Click the NO Button
5: Click on Zombie Daniello, regular daniello, Then press the red button on EARNATRON
6: Click on Puca
7: Slap the hands away from the Silver Thumb
8: Botton right Corner (Duairts Head)
9: Cut the Meat
10: Q number, Above the word "what", Click on Boger
11: Click on Pot, window, table, Satan Portrait
12: Hop over the people by clicking on the motorbike.
13: Last bit of Freddie's Health he's in the Door!!!
14: The car reg, The Bird
15: Click on Cereal
17: Click on Pa
18: Click on Left window of Duairt's house
19: Top left corner
20: Click on the Dots
21: Read the Instructions
22: Click on Sebass
23: Click on Puca
24: Click on his Mouth
25: Press the left arrow key!!!
26: Don't press space (Then press it after)
27: Click BDD
28: Under Question Number
29: Botton (Hidden)
30: Bottom right corner