Neither dead nor alive, I suppose one can say I am "Undead"

Shakil Rahman @BanglaBoy96

Age 29, Male


University Cork College

Depths of Darkness

Joined on 6/12/09

Exp Points:
5,530 / 5,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.46 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

BanglaBoy96's News

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - September 15th, 2010

Hey! I just put some Opoint medals in a Ton of my Games.
Try and Get them all!
1: Button Game 1
2: Button Game 2
3: Button Game 4
4: Button Game Seasons
5: 1st Despression
6: My Point Proven
7: Dot Toucher
8: Tails Revenge
9: Button Game Tales
I might have left out one or 2

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - August 25th, 2010

As some of you will know Button Game 8
is in Production sooo....
I'm doing something I have never done before!

You can either.
1: Give me an Idea for your Question
2: (For flash Makers only) Make your Question And I'll attach it to BG8
Note: Only Actionscript2
Draw your Question and Send it to me.

How to enter:
Leave a comment on my news post or simply send me a PM

Benefits: All Qs will be accepted (as long as no Hateful,racism or Adult Content are added)
You will be credited
2% of the rev Shares*
*5% if you send me your Q FLA!
The Pride of knowing your Question is in the Best Button Game of this Generation!

If you don't act now, you'll never be able to see your Question... Banglaboy96 style

Enter your Question

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - August 20th, 2010

Hey is anyone there? Noones on today! :(
I'm guessing skool over in U.S.A :(

If anyone wants to talk I'm ready to :)


Posted by BanglaBoy96 - August 15th, 2010

It's Out! Go vote 5 on it!


Posted by BanglaBoy96 - August 13th, 2010

It's out!.. But not here... It's on MikeyS9607's Website!
It's out here on Sunday. Enjoy!

Button Game: Tales: OUT NOW!

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - July 23rd, 2010

BG tales is Complete!
Yet I'm not releasing it until 15th of August!
PM me if you want to see it though! :)

Button Game Tales COMPLETE!

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - July 3rd, 2010

HeY! From my Old newsposts I said Button Game Tales was being made
until my Computer Crashed and I got Deleted! I got a Laptop and Now It's back
up and running Send me a PM if you want to see it so Far....
UPDATE: Release Date August 15th 2010

Button Game Tales 1-3

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - June 21st, 2010

I have made 2 games in a Week!!!
Here's a Pic Of the Plop I created!
His name is MegaPlop!!!!

Oh Ya! I forgot to say. for those Button Game Fans
Button Game Tales will be up and running before
Yay!!! and thank you Kabir! (the guy fixing my Computer)


Posted by BanglaBoy96 - June 10th, 2010

My 1st solo Flash is up on the Net Now!!!
Plz vote 5!!!!!
New Game Called 1st Depression coming out SOON!!!
Play it (When it comes out)
: It's Almost done I'm on the Last Boss!!!
Pray for Me It'll be out for Today
:It''s Out and so is Pickilow 4-6
New game coming soon (Cacti Khaki)
It's Pixely Mikeys9607 Will Like It

My 1st Solo Flash!!!

Posted by BanglaBoy96 - May 7th, 2010

Button Game 1
1: Top left saza
2: 2nd Duairt (Hidden abit)
3:Last Prv Crappy (Green hat)
4:Lotto No. 09 11 23 32 07 07
5: Red Square up in the corner
6:Click his hair
7: 1=2 2= green robo 3=6
8: 2c
9: Near the Top Left (Kinda)
10: Near the Bottom

Button game 2
1: Click the lollipops
2:Click on Stuart
3: Big Red Square
4: Click his wart!!!
5: 1: Near the top left, bottom middle, top right, bottom left
6: Click his but!!!
7: Click on the children
8: Click on Donkey Kong
9: Click the Children
10: 1=House of pain 2= the ???'s on the top, 3=saza 4=Banglaboy96 5=Roll over Q5
11: Top of white part
12: Yes in the Q number
13: Near Q no.
14: Roll over the Question (Not the Q Number)
15: Near the top Left!!

1:Take him out within 10secs (Must be Skilled)
2: Click on Mr. Tayto man
3: Click on his Stache
4: Kill the Zombies (Must be Skilled)
5: Click on the Money
6: Clean up the waste
7: Click on the Pencil
8: Top-right corner (Lil Brown thing)
9: Click anywere (This takes NO SKILL)
10: Stalin
11: Start with Bottom left then bottom right, the Top left then top right
12: Under the Letters "DE"
13: Small inner circle on top right corner
14: Top Left BDD
15: Just click on him
16: Click on the Beer (Click the sign to begin)
17: Click 3 children
18: Click 2 Children
19: Click him 2x Times
20: Botton Right
21: Top Left
22: Near the middle
23:??? Forget!! Sorry!!!
24:Bottom Right
25: Inside Q25 Number

Button Game 4
1: Click Saza (Then press the button which says "I have an Idea")
2: Click on V of doom till he pops the bubblegum
3:Click the cheese cake
4: Click the NO Button
5: Click on Zombie Daniello, regular daniello, Then press the red button on EARNATRON
6: Click on Puca
7: Slap the hands away from the Silver Thumb
8: Botton right Corner (Duairts Head)
9: Cut the Meat
10: Q number, Above the word "what", Click on Boger
11: Click on Pot, window, table, Satan Portrait
12: Hop over the people by clicking on the motorbike.
13: Last bit of Freddie's Health he's in the Door!!!
14: The car reg, The Bird
15: Click on Cereal
17: Click on Pa
18: Click on Left window of Duairt's house
19: Top left corner
20: Click on the Dots
21: Read the Instructions
22: Click on Sebass
23: Click on Puca
24: Click on his Mouth
25: Press the left arrow key!!!
26: Don't press space (Then press it after)
27: Click BDD
28: Under Question Number
29: Botton (Hidden)
30: Bottom right corner